About us

The Salon Real aims to broaden professional, social and personal horizons. We are able to do this in particular thanks to our strong national and international framework

A major goal is to strengthen the status of women in the real estate industry, to increase the proportion of successful decision-makers across the industry and to make potential visible.

As a renowned, recognized network in the real estate industry, we publicize our interests and encourage our members to achieve more together.

In addition to expanding and maintaining our network and dealing with current real estate-related topics, the Salon Real also serves essential core topics such as equal opportunities, career advancement and personal development. We promote this through close cooperation and a proactive, committed exchange.


Our strength lies in the diversity of our members. The spectrum of our specialist areas ranges from architecture, project development and real estate brokerage to real estate-specific legal and tax advice, real estate valuation and financing, real estate marketing and PR and facility management to construction, management consulting and university teaching.


Advantage through knowledge. The interdisciplinary exchange of information, knowledge and opinions is particularly important to us. Club evenings are held regularly in order to obtain up-to-date specialist knowledge on current topics in the real estate industry as part of constructive discussion rounds and specialist lectures by internal and external personalities. On international real estate and architecture trips and visits to trade fairs, global market knowledge is expanded and international specialist contacts are maintained.

Board Salon Real


Mag. Dr. Gerhild Bensch-König
Raiffeisen WohnBau
Project Development Real Estate Management Sales Bauträgerin
Mag. Martina Hirsch MBA
s REAL Immobilienvermittlung GmbH
Tenancy Sales Real Estate Marketing Communications, Public Relations Economy
Dipl.-Ing. Nadja Pröwer
Head of Project Management and ESG
Architecture Project Development Civil Engeneering Real Estate Management ESG
Irene Rief-Hauser MSc.
Feine Immobilien
Geschäftsführerin, Inhaberin
Sales Real Estate Marketing
Arch. Dipl. Ing. Heide Schicht
Head of Development
Project Development
Mag. Karin Schmidt-Mitscher MSc
Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
Bereichsleitung Wohnbau
Economy Finance